School Rules and Expectations
School Rules and Expectations
- Singing of the National Anthem and recitation of National Pledge
- Students who are Singapore Citizens must sing the National Anthem and take the pledge. Students will take the Pledge with the right fist placed over the heart.
- Attendance in school
- Students are to be in school by 7.15 am on every school day. School starts at 7.30am.
- Students are to remain in school during school hours and lunch break before remedial/supplementary lessons and CCA, unless permission has been given to leave the school grounds.
- Students on sick leave are to produce a Medical Certificate or parent's letter upon returning to school.
- Students who are late will have their particulars recorded by the security guards.
- Students who are absent from examinations without a valid reason will be marked as being "Absent Without Valid Reason" in the School Cockpit System. Students will not be awarded any marks for the examination that they have missed without valid reason.
- Conduct
- Students are to walk quietly and in orderly manner within the school premises. Unsupervised running is not allowed.
- Students are to queue to buy food and drinks and return all cutlery and crockery to the correct basins provided.
- Students are to observe table manners when eating and keep the tables clean after eating.
- Students are to consume their food and drinks in the canteen only.
- Students are to queue in an orderly manner to board school bus and public transport.
- Students are to demonstrate school values at all times.
- School Attire
- Students are to wear the prescribed school uniform. Modification to the school uniform is not allowed.
- Students are to have their nametags displayed on the school uniform.
- Students are only allowed to wear their PE T-shirts on days with PE lessons.
- Students are only allowed to wear their House T-shirts during CCA, PAL and House practice sessions (Fridays).
- Students are to tuck their PE/House T-shirts at all times.
- Students are allowed to change into their track shoes for CCAs but need to change back to school shoes once CCA is over.
- Students are to put on black socks and shoes. Shoes should not have trimmings of any other colour. Socks should cover the ankles.
- Grooming
- Hairstyle
- Students are not allowed to perm or dye their hair.
- The use of gel or hair mousse is not allowed.
- Male students must be neat in appearance, clean-shaven. No facial hair is allowed.
- Outlandish and unkempt hairstyles are not allowed.
- Female students with long hair must have it plaited or tied up neatly. Hair accessories should be dark blue or black.
- Female students should not have their fringes touch their eyebrows. If it is long, it should be pinned up neatly.
- Nails
- Students should have their nails trimmed and kept clean.
- Students should not apply nail polish.
- Accessories
- Students are not allowed to wear jewellery or fashion accessories in school.
- Students wearing accessories for religious purposes should conceal them under the school uniform.
- Female students are allowed to wear a pair of small identical ear studs. One ear stud per ear.
- Care of property
- Students are to be responsible and take good care of their belongings and school property.
- Use of electronic devices
- The use of mobile phones and/or personal electronic devices (PED) is for urgent communication with family members only.
- Students are allowed to use their mobile phones in the canteen and at the Student Interaction Area (SIA) during recess, lunchtime and after school hours.
- Students have to switch off their mobile phones during lessons or any school activities.
- Students are responsible for the safe-keeping of their own mobile phones and/or other personal electronic devices.
- Students are not allowed to take photographs, video or audio recordings, unless supervised by school staff.
- Playing of games and listening to music on mobile phones and PEDs are not allowed in school.
- Should caregivers need to contact their child during school hours on urgent matters, they may call the General Office for assistance.
- Non-adherence to the above stated rules will result in the confiscation of the mobile phones/personal electronic devices. A parent must come to school to collect the confiscated item.
- Possessions of Weapons
- All students are not allowed to have in their possession any weapon. They are also not allowed to bring any weapon-like item which is used or intended to be used to cause harm to others.
School Uniform
![]() Front View (Girl) |
![]() Front View (Boy) |
![]() Side View (Girl) |
![]() Side View (Boy) |
PE Attire
![]() Front View (Girl) |
![]() Front View (Boy) |
![]() Side View (Girl) |
![]() Side View (Boy) |
School Procedures
Flag-Raising Ceremony
- All students are to report to school before the Flag-raising Ceremony at 7.30am. Attendance at the flag-raising and pledge-taking ceremony is compulsory.
- All students must attend school regularly and punctually during the school term.
- Students who arrive late will have their particulars recorded by the security guards. Notification letters will be issued to parents id a student is repeatedly late for school despite counselling.
- If your child is unwell, he/she needs to consult a doctor and submit a Medical Certificate upon returning school after his/her absence.
- All other absences must also be supported by valid documents.
Leaving school early
- Students are not allowed to leave school during school hours unless parents/guardians come personally and obtain permission from the Principal, Vice-Principal or Form Teacher. They are to sign out their child at the General Office before taking him/her home.
- For the safety of our students, students who are unwell will not be allowed to go home on their own.
Visitors to the School
- In the interest of our students' safety and school security, parents/guardians will only be allowed into the school through the main gate. The canteen gate and back gate are accessible to staff and students only.
- Parents/caregivers are advised to make an appointment with the relevant teacher in advance prior to visiting the school. On arrival, please register with the security guards before proceeding to the General Office for assistance. Please bring along your NRIC or identification documents for registration purpose.
- The "Visitor Pass" issued must be prominently displayed at all times.
- The classroom blocks and canteen areas are out-of-bounds to school visitors.
Communication with Teachers
- Parents/Guardians may communicate with the teachers regarding their child’s learning or behaviour through Student Handbook.
- Please call the school or teachers for an appointment before you come as the teacher you would like to meet may not be available. You may also email your request or query to the teacher.
Sending Children to School and Picking them from School
- Please note that the area just outside the main entrance of the school is a non-stopping/ non-waiting area. In the interest of the safety of our students and in compliance to LTA traffic ruling, vehicles are prohibited to make U-turns in front of the school main gate. Parents may drive into the school to drop off their children before 7.30am. After 7.30 am, parents may let their children alight before the yellow box outside the main gate.
- Teachers are stationed at the pedestrian crossing just outside the school to help ensure the safety of our student
- As the school has limited parking lots for cars, parents/guardians who drive are requested to park their vehicles at the public car park beside the school premises when visiting the school.
- We educate our students to observe road safety regulations at all times and would like to seek the support and co-operation of parents in the use of the pedestrian crossing when crossing the roads outside the school premises.
The Desired Outcomes of Education
Our students will become
- a confident person who has a strong sense of right and wrong, is adaptable and resilient, knows himself, is discerning in judgment, thinks independently and critically, and communicates effectively;
- a self-directed learner who takes responsibility for his own learning, who questions, reflects and perseveres in the pursuit of learning;
- an active contributor who is able to work effectively in teams, exercises initiative, takes calculated risks, is innovative and strives for excellence; and,
- a concerned citizen who is rooted to Singapore, has a strong civic consciousness, is informed, and plays an active role in bettering the lives of others around him.