Character and Citizenship Education (CCE)
With CCE 2021, we aim to develop in our students:
- Good character:
- Have a sound moral compass and a strong sense of right and wrong, think critically and ethically, be discerning in judgment, take responsibility for choices and actions, be caring towards others and strive for excellence
- Resilience and social-emotional well-being:
- Have a balanced sense of self, form healthy relationships, be resilient when faced with challenges, find meaning in life, and have a sense of gratitude and appreciation
- Future readiness:
- Have a sound moral compass and a strong sense of right and wrong, think critically and ethically, be discerning in judgment, take responsibility for choices and actions, be caring towards others and strive for excellence.
- Active citizenship:
- Develop a strong national identity based on a sense of belonging to the nation, a sense of hope in themselves and the future, an awareness of the reality of Singapore’s vulnerabilities and constraints, and the will to act on improving the lives of others, and building a future for our nation.
Character and Citizenship Education involves addressing our students’ development of values, character, social-emotional well-being, and citizenship dispositions. This is done in tandem with establishing a caring and enabling school environment where students’ well-being and learning are cared for and supported by teachers and peers.
Learning platforms in the implementation of CCE include:
CCE Lessons |
Key Student Development Experiences (SDEs) |
School-based Initiatives |
Value of the Month / Focus of the Week
Anchored by the school values and concepts in The Leader In the Me (TLIM), Value of the Month/Focus of the Week articulates and provides a focus for the teaching and learning of values and social-emotional skills across the curriculum. Students present Focus of the Week to the school through stories and role-play every month.
Social Skills
Key social skills are highlighted and explicitly taught to provide a common language in addressing teacher-student relations, peer relations and discipline in the school. By taking a positive and proactive approach, students learn skills and replacement behaviour which are important in developing life-long social and emotional competence.
Let’s Clean Up! – Sparkling Classroom and Sparkling Canteen
Students take responsibility for their own and shared spaces through daily cleaning of their classroom and the canteen. The cleanliness of these spaces are monitored and tracked. Classes who have done well are highlighted and invited to share their good practices.
Gift of Love
Students show love and gratitude by taking time to reflect and write notes of encouragement, compliment, well wishes or affirmation to people at home, in the school community and the wider community.
Values in Action (VIA)
Through VIA, students are involved in meaningful authentic experiences which provide the opportunity for them to develop social emotional skills to be a concerned citizen and active contributor. Learning experiences for VIA are designed in the following ways:
- Everyday Responsibilities
- Let’s Clean Up! – Sparkling Classroom and Sparkling Canteen
- Termly recycling drives
- Activities/Projects VIA Lessons in CCE (FTGP)
School Initiatives |
Click on the links below to see our students in action with the seniors: